You just never know….

You never know how much you need people until you don’t have them in the same capacity as before. This is what I began to think about when I became a caregiver. I did not realize how hard this can be mentally more than it was physically. When you make the decision to be in something for the long haul, you have to consider the people that you know, and need to know. See, everything about relationships goes beyond just networking in a room. You never know how those relationships can help you along the way. You also have to consider that you need to network outside of the “room” as well. This helped me so much as we were transitioning with everything we were going through. My loved one was in the hospital from May 2023 until February 2024, and has been back and forth since. Over that time frame I begin to build relationships with nurses, the greeters at the counter, transportation and even the cafeteria workers. For me it was essential, let me share why.

  1. It helped me learn the character of the people that were tending to my loved one, and also the people who helped us throughout the day.

  2. When I needed information, it was a lot easier to get because I had resources.

  3. If we run out of supplies that we may be waiting to receive from the VA, we can call the hospital and holler at one of our connects to get something and much more.

    These are just a few examples of why networking becomes essential. It’s more than just going into a room; it’s about connecting with the “right” people… people that align and building solid relationships from there. I hope you can understand how important the relationships you have and develop are for greater life happenings…

    Make sure you began to look at why you need connections a lot differently.

    I’ll see you guys in a week or so… I hope this was helpful.


When you find out….